Childcare Sales Australia

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What is QIP and Why Do I Need It?

Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

An Approved Provider must ensure that their childcare centre has a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). This must be updated regularly to reflect the childcare centre’s service delivery.

Childcare centres are expected to operate using a continuous quality improvement process, to regularly examine practices and procedures, and critically reflect on these. After that, based on current research, collaborate with all stakeholders to develop a plan to improve each area. It is a continuous documented process. The goals set for improvement should be;

• Clear

• Measurable

• Achievable

• Realistic; and,

• Support the documented long-term goals of your centre.

Quality Areas

This document assists you to identify Quality Areas of strength and need in your childcare centre. Input from staff, the nominated supervisor and families will complete this. The composition of the document is in a manner that includes strategies and timeframes. This is to achieve the results you plan for, across all 7 quality areas in the National Quality Standard.

The 7 quality areas in the National Quality Standard are:

• Educational program and practice

• Children’s health and safety

• Physical environment

• Staffing arrangements

• Relationships with children

• Collaborative partnerships with families and communities

• Governance and leadership

Each quality area has several elements that you have to meet with specific descriptors for childcare centres to address and implement to the standard required. Meanwhile, discussions around the QIP should include at team meetings, so all staff can contribute to the update process and critically reflect on practices together. Subsequently, make the necessary changes to continue to improve.


Approved Providers must ensure to update the QIP at least annually. On the other hand, quarterly is better as the childcare service develops. It is essential to show evidence of reflection and development of the QIP. The QIP must be kept at the centre and be available for perusal by centre staff, families and Department of Education officers if requested.

In addition, childcare centres should also keep all stakeholders informed about progress and steps taken. It is a collaborative effort and reflects the childcare centre’s relationships with staff, children, families and the community.

Assessment and Ratings

Likewise, the QIP is submitted to the Department of Education prior to assessment and ratings against the National Quality Standard. Officers use this to understand how your centre operates, and as a guide to discussions during the assessment and rating visit. It is important that what you write in the QIP is a true reflection of how your centre operates and functions in the community.


QIP writing is challenging, and it needs to be allocated appropriate time to achieve the desired result. Similarly, the QIP is an important part of the assessment and rating process and affords you the opportunity to explain how well your childcare centre operates and explain what you are working on currently to improve your service.