Childcare Sales Australia

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The Role of the Educational Leader

In the previous article about childcare staffing, the role of the Educational Leader was not detailed. As this is a relatively new role, it needs some further explanation.

What is an Educational Leader?

This is a relatively new position, created with the advent of the National Quality Framework (NQF). Educational Leadership sits in Quality Area 7 of the National Quality Standards (NQS). In Regulation 118 of the Education and Care Service National Regulations, Approved Providers are required to designate, in writing, a suitably qualified person as an educational leader to lead the development and implementation of educational programs and workplace culture.

In the past, most centres have relied on experienced senior team members to advise and support new lead educators and educators. Some centres struggled to provide consistent support for the team. The new role ensures each service appoints a dedicated person for this role and provides regular time off the floor to conduct this work.

Who should be an Educational Leader?

The person selected for this position will need to be aware of the duties and tasks involved in the role, and consideration needs to be given to whether the person is;

  • Suitably qualified and experienced

  • Willing to make time for the role and to learn more

  • Approachable and well respected by colleagues

  • Knowledgeable about current theories and pedagogy

  • Skilled at supporting educators of varying abilities and learning styles

  • Knowledgeable about relevant legislation and regulations

  • Able to time manage well

What should the Educational Leader do?

ACECQA requires educational Leaders to:

  • Be inspirational, supportive affirming, challenging and working to extend educators practices and knowledge

  • Undertake a shared journey with colleagues to inquire and reflect on practices, underpinning knowledge and interpretations of their role

  • Promote a positive organisational culture in the setting

  • Work towards building a professional learning community

  • Lead the development of the curriculum

  • Establish clear goals and expectations for teaching and learning

  • Document the work they do with colleagues as evidence of their EL activity

What makes an effective Educational Leader?

Educational Leader’s need to be confident, knowledgeable, effective and collegial in their approach and work with colleagues to create a culture of learning and growth. They lead, mentor, guide and support others as they learn more about their role and understandings about how to support young children to grow and learn.

Issues for discussion are raised by the educational leader as they occur, others are suggested by team members, children, families, or the Nominated Supervisor.

This is an important role within a childcare centre, and the selection of the right person for it is key to the success of the role.